
Is Cake Dried Before Putting In A Triffle

Southward ooner or later most food-related conversations come up dorsum to what I personally believe to be the cardinal dilemma of human existence – what would you have for your terminal repast? (On a state where capital penalisation has been off the statue books for over 40 years, our fascination with the thought is perchance somewhat curious, but somehow "name your favourite three courses" doesn't quite pack the aforementioned punch.)

Mock yous may, but I've wasted many hours agonising over the number of courses allowed (cheese and pudding?), or whether any of us would actually exist in the mood for Heston with expiry looming simply across the port. My society changes equally often as a chef'due south special, but one thing that'south constant is my choice of pudding. Oysters and steak frites may come up and get, only, as far as I'k concerned, the trifle is non for turning.

Sadly I seem to exist in minority these days – although people go jelly-kneed at trifle's exotic, just considerably less interesting cousin, the tiramisu, there's less and less of a telephone call for the British version of "moisture block" and custard, as an ex of mine so charmingly put it. Two people who share my passion, however, are food writers Helen Saberi and and the late Alan Davidson, the mastermind behind the Oxford Companion to Food, who are also the proud authors of an entire book on the subject, entitled, merely Trifle (Prospect Books, 2009).

Helen echoes my sentiments beautifully when she talks of the "sensual pleasures" of experiencing, in succession, "the light frothy foam, the shine, velvety custard, the tangy fruit mingling with the bouquet of wine (or sherry or liqueur), and perhaps a touch of almondy crunchiness from ratafias or macaroons, and lastly the sweet, soft merely crumbly texture of the sponge or sponge fingers." Alan, meanwhile, observes the sweet irony of the fact that ane of Britain's greatest contributions to the global dessert table "should bear a name which suggests that it is of no consequence. This, surely, is carrying much likewise far the British tradition of playing downwards the claim of all things British."

Their volume, which contains nearly a hundred trifle recipes from the last 500 years, is a wonderful example of the versatility of this classic dish; anyone who believes that the only os of contention is the inclusion of jelly is in for a surprise. As Jane and Alan point out, "variations on the trifle theme – all delicious – seem to u.s. to be just almost as space every bit stars in the sky". And thank goodness for that.

The foundations

Boudoir biscuits
Boudoir biscuits, the trifle-maker'due south friend. Photograph: Felicity Cloake

Not for zip do Helen and Alan devote an entire page to the question of trifle architecture – success relies upon solid foundations. My mum, who should take total credit for my devotion to the dish, uses finger-shaped boudoir biscuits while Mary Drupe, in her Christmas Collection, opts for the larger trifle sponge. Both are made from a rather dry sort of sponge block coated with sugar and sold specifically for this purpose. Sarah Raven demands bootleg Madeira block in Complete Christmas Nutrient & Flowers and Nigella a loaf cake in Feast.

Much every bit I love the thought of blistering a cake specifically for a dish which deserves the very best of ingredients, I find the cake, without its brittle carbohydrate blanket, goes soggy too rapidly: you want information technology plump with booze and fruit juices, merely it shouldn't disintegrate on the tongue. The boudoir biscuits are the best option, because there'due south a greater proportion of sugar to cake, which helps them retain a slight crispness, even upward to serving. Sarah's amaretti are a brilliant addition though: sweetly nutty, and defiantly crunchy, they work wonderfully with the anarchism of fruit and cream above.

Both Mary Berry and Nigella spread their cakes with jam, which does add an extra hit of fruit, simply, although I suspect it would probably exist a popular choice for the younger members of the family unit, information technology makes things too cloyingly sweet for my gustatory modality. And they've got their selection packs to keep them happy.

The fruit

Good Food magazine recipe berry trifle
Practiced Nutrient magazine recipe berry trifle. Photograph: Felicity Cloake

One of the beauties of trifle is that it will embrace simply about whatever fruit yous throw at it: Trifle contains recipes containing mango, pineapple and assistant; lemons and even crystallised cacti. Although at this fourth dimension of year my mum uses tinned raspberries for her trifle, they're often rather mushy: I like Sarah Raven and Skillful Food magazine's idea of substituting frozen fruit, which is increasingly available, and more robust. (Mary Berry uses tinned pears, which are one of the few fruits which practice remain house in the can, but they accept a slight graininess that is rather too similar to the sponges for my liking.)

Nigella, of class, goes for more expensive jarred fruit, which is a better option, especially when marinated in booze, simply, as this is a Christmas trifle, I determine to plump for the winter fruit compote that's one of my favourite breakfasts at this time of year. Soaked in orangish juice, and lightly spiced with cinnamon and cloves, the dried fruit gives the whole dish a distinctly festive experience, while retaining a slight chewiness which guarantees it won't dissolve into the background.

Turning to jelly

Even people who claim not to like trifle (I don't believe them) have an opinion on the desirability of jelly as an ingredient. I've always considered information technology the preserve of the shop-bought trifle, and as such, rather below my dignity, but Helen Saberi makes a disarming case for it as "a solid sheet of load-bearing substance – the analogue of a screeded concrete floor".

Rather than being the johnny-come-lately that I'd assumed, jelly has been added to trifles past misguided folks since the 18th century, but I'm not solitary in my prejudice. When she contributed a celebratory jelly trifle recipe to the 50th anniversary outcome of Alan Davidson'due south periodical, Petis Propos Culinaire, Saberi found herself lampooned by readers who complained the trifle was "more suited to a schoolhouse treat than a gastronome'due south table".

Not wanting to ally myself with such snobbish sorts (what's wrong with a schoolhouse treat, later all?) I give Saberi'due south recipe a try. The results are not as bad every bit I'd feared; the jelly adds a bouncy robustness of texture to the base which is actually quite pleasant, merely, in combination with custard and cream, information technology reminds me less of a school care for and more of an babe's political party. Blinkered I may be, but at that place'll be no jelly in my perfect trifle.


The base for Felicity's perfect trifle
The base of operations for Felicity'due south perfect trifle, before the custard is poured. Photo: Felicity Cloake

In the absence of screeded physical, the support must come from a layer of custard. Although I accept an oft-repeated (in the vain hope of garnering a lifetime's supply) soft spot for the Bird'due south multifariousness, fifty-fifty I have to admit that, for a special occasion similar Christmas, the existent sort is probably more advisable. Helen Saberi goes the whole squealer, making one with double cream which, although it sets beautifully, is quite outrageously rich. Nigella goes for a half and half mixture of milk and cream, which I discover more than palatable (afterwards all, in that location's going to be a layer of whipped foam on elevation too), merely which is easier to thicken than the all-milk custard deployed by Rose Prince.

BBC Adept Food mix their custard with vanilla essence and mascarpone. Not only does this make it overpoweringly vanilla-flavoured, just the cheese gives information technology a slightly odd texture. A good custard shouldn't need whatever such foreign intervention.


Nigella recipe trifle
Nigella recipe trifle. Photo: Felicity Cloake

Although I've focused principally on traditional trifles here, having extracted a personal recommendation from Nigella herself during her appearance on Word of Oral cavity last calendar week, I'yard duty bound to effort her favourite festive trifle, the chocolate and cherry version in Feast.

Chocolate loaf cakes spread with scarlet jam and soaked in cherry brandy, topped with morello cherries, chocolate custard and double foam. Although I haven't enjoyed chocolate custard since I was at schoolhouse, I have to admit this recipe is a knockout – like the thickest of hot chocolates, tempered with a fruity, alcoholic striking. I love information technology – but non quite equally much as the subtler vanilla custard and sherry diversity.

How to meridian information technology

Helen Saberi tops her trifle with a magnificent syllabub, made from a mixture of lemon zest and juice, carbohydrate, white vino and orangish flower water and double cream. Information technology'due south light, frothy and utterly delicious, simply, although it would make a brilliant dessert in its own right, the flavours are wasted here. A thick layer of whipped foam, as used in every other recipe, provides the frail foil to the sweet custard and boozy, fruity base.

Flaked almonds, as deployed by Nigella in her slightly more orthodox Anglo-Italian trifle (which my lucky sis'south mother-in-law makes for Christmas every yr, and I will be sorely missing this Christmas day) add a fiddling crisis to the dish, and the pomegranate seeds, well, they simply expect nicely festive.

Perfect trifle

Felicity's perfect trifle
Felicity's perfect trifle. Photograph: Felicity Cloake

Trifle, although a sacred dish, is not one hidebound by ridiculous ritual. As long every bit you conform to the heaven-sent prescription of layers of cake, fruit, booze, custard and cream, y'all'll be in for a Christmas treat. Merely don't mention the dream topping ...

Serves 6–8 (depending on enthusiasm for trifle)

For the fruit compote:
four handfuls of stale fruit – I like a mix of figs, prunes and apricots
½ cinnamon stick
iii cloves
Zest and juice of 2 oranges

For the custard:
300ml whole milk
300ml double cream
1 vanilla pod, slit in half and seeds scraped out
half-dozen egg yolks
3 tbsp caster saccharide
1 tbsp cornflour

one parcel boudoir biscuits (also sold every bit lady fingers or savoiardi)
100ml sweet sherry
1 bundle ratafia or amaretti biscuits
300ml double foam
15g flaked almonds, toasted
Seeds of ¼ pomegranate

1. Start by making the compote. Put all the ingredients into a pocket-size pan and barely cover with common cold water. Heat gently and then simmer for nearly 15 minutes until the fruit is plump and the liquid has become slightly syrupy. Set aside and allow to absurd.

2. Meanwhile, make the custard. Put the milk and cream into a thick-bottomed pan with the vanilla pod and seeds on a gentle oestrus. Stir, and so bring it to but below a simmer; do non allow it to eddy. Beat the egg yolks, sugar and cornflour together in a large bowl.

3. Remove the vanilla pod from the hot milk and pour the milk on to the yolk and sugar mixture, stirring all the time.

4. Turn the estrus down to medium-low, and pour the custard dorsum into the pan. Stirring slowly and continuously, melt until it coats the back of a wooden spoon – the longer you melt it, the thicker information technology will exist. If it doesn't appear to be thickening after ten minutes, yous may have the heat slightly as well depression, but don't plow it up dramatically or you'll spoil all your hard work. (Alternatively, if you're not feeling terribly brave, append a heatproof bowl over a pan of simmering water, pour the yolk and milk mixture into that, and proceed as above.) Bear in heed you lot'll be tied to the stove for at least 20 minutes, and so put some good music on. Decant into a jug to cool, pressing some clingfilm on to the surface to preclude a skin forming.

5. Line a glass bowl with boudoir biscuits and, after picking out the spices (3 cloves, remember) spoon the compote and juices over the acme. Pour over the sherry and then besprinkle over the amaretti. Dollop the cooled custard on top, then cover with clingfilm and refrigerate until ready.

half dozen. Whip the foam to soft peaks, spoon on top of the trifle and chill for at to the lowest degree two hours before serving. Just before serving, arrange the almonds and pomegranate seeds on elevation – if you leave them there too long the seeds will drain color into the cream, and the nuts will go soggy.

Is trifle truly one of Britain's greatest contributions to dessert, or a revolting medieval mess that'due south best left to the toothless and the Italians? What do you lot put in your version (any savoury suggestions?) and if non trifle, what would yous choose for the thousand finale of your final meal?


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